Italian stone cabin reconstruction
I'm a huge fan of documentaries. Not of any particular genre but just of the style itself. Long shots of not much happening: sometimes just a forest with branches moving slowly in the wind, sounds of birds etc. I've recently discovered some great examples of this style on Youtube.
One good example is that of Youtuber Martijn Doolard. A Dutchman who bought an old stone cabin in the mountains of Italy, close to Turin. He sets about refurbishing the cabin (actually 2 cabins) and captures all of it in a series of long Youtube video episodes. Each runs around 30 or 40 minutes. Stunning drone shots of the surrounding mountains are interspersed with "fly on the wall" type footage of Martijn working.
Here is the first Youtube video in the series. If you enjoy this you will surely enjoy the rest of the series:
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